• Philosophy

    The Principles
    of Taijiquan

    The slow graceful movements require great concentration and attention to detail. Read More

  • Principles

    Following Nature

    By paying close attention to the cycles and movement of the natural world, an understanding was gained to help navigate the Way through life's changes. Read more

  • Yin/Yang

    Yin/Yang the Fundamental
    Elements of Creation

    Wuji, the undifferentiated state of oneness divides. This is called Taiji. Taiji is composed of two elements that are separated, and yet forever linked. Read more

The Mental Path

In the practice of Taijiquan, you are asked to be attentive to the precision of your movements physically and mentally. In challenging yourself to acquire the skills promised by the philosophical guidelines of Taijiquan, you will be challenged to master your mind.

Taijiquan Principles:
The Guidelines For Acquire True Taiji Skills

Classical writings on understanding and methods to approach enlightenment gave birth to internal martial arts.

Taijiquan Characters
Taoist Philosophy:
Deep Observations On The Course Of Nature

Change is a constant in the universe. The Way of Taijiquan is the physical manifestation of Taoist philosophy.

Lao Tzu and the Tao
Yin and Yang:
The World Starts From The Simplest Divisions

You/me. Man/woman. Night/day. Understanding begins identifying differences seeing how they complement.

Yin/Yang Divides and Unites